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Create a file with a template for adding a new model (for developers)


  custom_family = FALSE,
  stanvar_blocks = c("data", "tdata", "parameters", "tparameters", "model", "likelihood",
    "genquant", "functions"),
  open_files = TRUE,
  testing = FALSE



A string with the name of the model. The file will be named model_model_name.R and all necessary functions will be created with the appropriate names and structure. The file will be saved in the R/ directory


Logical; Do you plan to define a brms::custom_family()? If TRUE the function will add a section for the custom family, placeholders for the stan_vars and corresponding empty .stan files in inst/stan_chunks/, that you can fill For an example, see the sdm model in /R/model_sdm.R. If FALSE (default) the function will not add the custom family section nor stan files.


A character vector with the names of the blocks that will be added to the custom family section. See brms::stanvar() for more details. The default lists all the possible blocks, but it is unlikely that you will need all of them. You can specify a vector of only those that you need. The function will add a section for each block in the list


Logical; If TRUE (default), the function will open the template files that were created in RStudio


Logical; If TRUE, the function will return the file content but will not save the file. If FALSE (default), the function will save the file


If testing is TRUE, the function will return the file content as a string. If testing is FALSE, the function will return NULL


If you get a warning during check() about non-ASCII characters, this is often due to the citation field. You can find what the problem is by running

dang::checkPackageAsciiCode(dir = ".")

usually rewriting the numbers (issue, page numbers) manually fixes it


if (FALSE) { # isTRUE(Sys.getenv("BMM_EXAMPLES"))

# create a new model file with a brms::custom_family, three .stan files in
# inst/stan_chunks/ and open the files
  custom_family = TRUE,
  stanvar_blocks = c("functions", "likelihood", "tdata")