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Called by update.bmmfit() to automatically revert some of the postprocessing depending on the model type. It will call the appropriate revert_postprocess_brm.* methods based on the list of classes defined in the .model_* functions. For models with several classes listed, it will call the functions in the order they are listed. For example, for the sdm model, the postprocessing involves setting the link function for the c parameter to "log", because it was coded manually in the stan code, but it was specified as "identity" in the brms custom family. However, during the update process, the link function should be set back to "identity". Only use this if you have a specific reason to revert the postprocessing (if otherwise the update method would produce incorrect results).


revert_postprocess_brm(model, fit, ...)



A model list object returned from check_model()


the fitted brm model


Additional arguments passed to the method


An object of class brmsfit, with any necessary postprocessing applied


if (FALSE) { # isTRUE(Sys.getenv("BMM_EXAMPLES"))
fit <- readRDS("my_saved_fit.rds")
postprocessed_fit <- prostprocess_brm(fit)
reverted_fit <- revert_postprocess_brm(postprocessed_fit)