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Three-parameter mixture model by Bays et al (2009).


mixture3p(resp_error, nt_features, set_size, regex = FALSE, ...)



The name of the variable in the dataset containing the response error. The response error should code the response relative to the to-be-recalled target in radians. You can transform the response error in degrees to radians using the deg2rad function.


A character vector with the names of the non-target feature values. The non_target feature values should be in radians and centered relative to the target. Alternatively, if regex=TRUE, a regular expression can be used to match the non-target feature columns in the dataset.


Name of the column containing the set size variable (if set_size varies) or a numeric value for the set_size, if the set_size is fixed.


Logical. If TRUE, the nt_features argument is interpreted as a regular expression to match the non-target feature columns in the dataset.


used internally for testing, ignore it


An object of class bmmodel


  • Domain: Visual working memory

  • Task: Continuous reproduction

  • Name: Three-parameter mixture model by Bays et al (2009).

  • Citation:

    • Bays, P. M., Catalao, R. F. G., & Husain, M. (2009). The precision of visual working memory is set by allocation of a shared resource. Journal of Vision, 9(10), 1-11

  • Requirements:

    • The response vairable should be in radians and represent the angular error relative to the target

  • The non-target features should be in radians and be centered relative to the target

  • Parameters:

    • mu1: Location parameter of the von Mises distribution for memory responses (in radians). Fixed internally to 0 by default.

    • kappa: Concentration parameter of the von Mises distribution

    • thetat: Mixture weight for target responses

    • thetant: Mixture weight for non-target responses

  • Fixed parameters:

    • mu1 = 0

    • mu2 = 0

    • kappa2 = -100

  • Default parameter links:

    • mu1 = tan_half; kappa = log; thetat = identity; thetant = identity

  • Default priors:

    • mu1:

      • main: student_t(1, 0, 1)

    • kappa:

      • main: normal(2, 1)

      • effects: normal(0, 1)

    • thetat:

      • main: logistic(0, 1)

    • thetant:

      • main: logistic(0, 1)


if (FALSE) { # isTRUE(Sys.getenv("BMM_EXAMPLES"))
# generate artificial data from the Bays et al (2009) 3-parameter mixture model
dat <- data.frame(
  y = rmixture3p(n = 2000, mu = c(0, 1, -1.5, 2)),
  nt1_loc = 1,
  nt2_loc = -1.5,
  nt3_loc = 2

# define formula
ff <- bmmformula(
  kappa ~ 1,
  thetat ~ 1,
  thetant ~ 1

# specify the 3-parameter model with explicit column names for non-target features
model1 <- mixture3p(resp_error = "y", nt_features = paste0("nt", 1:3, "_loc"), set_size = 4)

# fit the model
fit <- bmm(
  formula = ff,
  data = dat,
  model = model1,
  cores = 4,
  iter = 500,
  backend = "cmdstanr"

# alternatively specify the 3-parameter model with a regular expression to match non-target features
# this is equivalent to the previous call, but more concise
model2 <- mixture3p(resp_error = "y", nt_features = "nt.*_loc", set_size = 4, regex = TRUE)

# fit the model
fit <- bmm(
  formula = ff,
  data = dat,
  model = model2,
  cores = 4,
  iter = 500,
  backend = "cmdstanr"