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This function generates the activation functions for different versions of the Memory Measurement Model (m3) implemented in the bmm package. If no bmmodel object is passed then it will print the available model versions.


construct_m3_act_funs(model = NULL, warnings = TRUE)



A bmmodel object that specifies the M3 model for which the activation functions should be generated. If no model is passed the available M3 versions will be printed to the console.


Logical flag to indicate if information about the generated model formulas should be printed when the function is called.


A bmmformula object with the activation functions for the m3 version specified in the model object. The activation functions use the names of the response categories specified in the model object.


model <- m3(
 resp_cats = c("correct","other", "npl"),
 num_options = c(1, 4, 5),
 version = "ss"

construct_m3_act_funs(model, warnings = FALSE)
#> correct ~ b + a + c
#> other ~ b + a
#> npl ~ b