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This function applies the specified link functions in the list of links to the formula or bmmformula that is passed to it. This function is mostly used internally for configuring bmmodels.


apply_links(formula, links = nlist())



A formula or bmmformula that the links should be applied to

A list of links that should be applied to the formula. Each element in this list should be named using the parameter labels the links should be applied for and contain a character variable specifying the link to be applied. Currently implemented links are: "log", "logit", "probit", and "identity".


The formula or bmmformula the links have been applied to


# specify a bmmformula
form <- bmf(x ~ a + c, kappa ~ 1, a ~ 1, c ~ 1)
links <- list(a = "log", c = "logit")

apply_links(form, links)
#> x ~ exp(a) + inv_logit(c)
#> kappa ~ 1
#> a ~ 1
#> c ~ 1