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  • Vencislav Popov. Author, maintainer, copyright holder.

  • Gidon T. Frischkorn. Author, copyright holder.

  • Chenyu Li. Contributor.

  • Paul-Christian Bürkner. Copyright holder.
    Creator of 'brms', code portions of which are used in 'bmm'.


Source: inst/CITATION

Frischkorn G, Popov V (2023). “A tutorial for estimating mixture models for visual working memory tasks in brms: Introducing the Bayesian Measurement Modeling (bmm) package for R.” PsyArXiv. doi:10.31234/

  title = {A tutorial for estimating mixture models for visual working memory tasks in brms: Introducing the Bayesian Measurement Modeling (bmm) package for R},
  author = {Gidon T. Frischkorn and Vencislav Popov},
  journal = {PsyArXiv},
  year = {2023},
  doi = {10.31234/},