Generic S3 method for configuring the model to be fit by brms
Called by bmm() to automatically construct the model formula, family objects and default priors for the model specified by the user. It will call the appropriate configure_model.* functions based on the list of classes defined in the .model_* functions. Currently, we have a method only for the last class listed in the .model_* functions. This is to keep model configuration as simple as possible. In the future we may add shared methods for classes of models that share the same configuration.
- model
A model list object returned from check_model()
- data
The user supplied data.frame containing the data to be checked
- formula
The user supplied formula
A named list containing at minimum the following elements:
formula: An object of class
. The constructed model formuladata: the user supplied data.frame, preprocessed by check_data
family: the brms family object
prior: the brms prior object
stanvars: (optional) An object of class
(for custom families). Seebrms::custom_family()
for more details.
A bare bones configure_model.* method should look like this:
configure_model.newmodel <- function(model, data, formula) {
# preprocessing - e.g. extract arguments from data check, construct new variables
<preprocessing code>
# construct the formula
formula <- bmf2bf(formula, model)
# construct the family
family <- <code for new family>
# construct the default prior
prior <- <code for new prior>
# return the list
nlist(formula, data, family, prior)
if (FALSE) { # isTRUE(Sys.getenv("BMM_EXAMPLES"))
configure_model.mixture3p <- function(model, data, formula) {
# retrieve arguments from the data check
max_set_size <- attr(data, "max_set_size")
lure_idx <- attr(data, "lure_idx_vars")
nt_features <- model$other_vars$nt_features
set_size_var <- model$other_vars$set_size
# construct initial brms formula
formula <- bmf2bf(model, formula) +
brms::lf(kappa2 ~ 1) +
brms::lf(mu2 ~ 1) +
brms::nlf(theta1 ~ thetat) +
brms::nlf(kappa1 ~ kappa)
# additional internal terms for the mixture model formula
kappa_nts <- paste0("kappa", 3:(max_set_size + 1))
theta_nts <- paste0("theta", 3:(max_set_size + 1))
mu_nts <- paste0("mu", 3:(max_set_size + 1))
for (i in 1:(max_set_size - 1)) {
formula <- formula +
glue_nlf("{kappa_nts[i]} ~ kappa") +
"{theta_nts[i]} ~ {lure_idx[i]} * (thetant + log(inv_ss)) + ",
"(1 - {lure_idx[i]}) * (-100)"
) +
glue_nlf("{mu_nts[i]} ~ {nt_features[i]}")
# define mixture family
vm_list <- lapply(1:(max_set_size + 1), function(x) brms::von_mises(link = "identity"))
vm_list$order <- "none"
formula$family <- brms::do_call(brms::mixture, vm_list)
nlist(formula, data)