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1 The bmmformula syntax

The bmmformula syntax generally follows the same principles as the formula syntax for brms models. A bmmformula follows the general structure:

parameter ~ peffects + ( geffects | group)

However, instead of predicting a response - as is typically done in brms - in bmm a bmmformula predicts a parameter from a bmmodel1. The peffects part specifies all effects that are assumed to be the same across observations. In typical vocabulary such effects are called ‘population-level’ or ‘overall’ effects. The geffects part specifies effects that are assumed to vary across grouping variables specified in group. Typically, these effects are called ‘group-level’ or ‘varying’ effects.

As you will typically provide a bmmformula for each parameter of a bmmodel, we recommend to set up the formula in a separate object before passing it to the bmm() function. There are two ways to set up formulas, both work equally easy and well:

  1. a single call to the function bmmformula or its short form bmf, separating formulas for different parameters by commas.
  2. add a bmmformula for each parameter by using the + operator.

Ηere are two examples for each method that result in the same bmmformula object:

my_formula <- bmmformula(
  thetat ~ 1 + set_size,
  thetant ~ 1 + set_size,
  kappa ~ 1

my_formula <- bmf(thetat ~ 1 + set_size) +
  bmf(thetant ~ 1 + set_size) +
  bmf(kappa ~ 1)
#> thetat ~ 1 + set_size
#> thetant ~ 1 + set_size
#> kappa ~ 1

As noted above, bmm generally assumes that you pass a bmmformula for each parameter of a model. If you do not pass a bmmformula for one or more parameters, bmm will throw a warning and only estimate a fixed intercept for the parameters for which no bmmformula was provided. If you are unsure about the parameters of a model, call the help via ?bmmodel, replacing ‘bmmodel’ with the name of the model (e.g. ?sdm).

As bmmformula syntax builds upon brmsformula syntax, you can use any functionality you might use in brms for specifying a bmmformula. One difference is, that you do not have to explicitly specify if a formula is a non-linear formula, as bmm recognizes a formula as non-linear as soon as one of the left-hand side arguments of a formula is also used as a right-hand side argument in the whole formula. So the argumetn nl does not exist for bmmformula. Similarly, adding grouping statements around group-level effects to estimate them separately for different sub-groups in your design can be added. So for example, a more complicated bmmformula could look like this:

complex_formula <- bmf(
  # a non-linear function on thetat
  thetat ~ end_theta + (start_theta - end_theta) * exp(-R*ss_num),
  # other model parameters
  thetant ~ 1 + (1 | gr(ID, by = age_group)),
  kappa ~ 1 + (1 | gr(ID, by = age_group)),
  # parameters of the non-linear function
  start_theta ~ 1 + (1 | gr(ID, by = age_group)),
  end_theta ~ 1 + (1 | gr(ID, by = age_group)),
  R ~ 1 + (1 | gr(ID, by = age_group))

#> thetat ~ end_theta + (start_theta - end_theta) * exp(-R * ss_num)
#> thetant ~ 1 + (1 | gr(ID, by = age_group))
#> kappa ~ 1 + (1 | gr(ID, by = age_group))
#> start_theta ~ 1 + (1 | gr(ID, by = age_group))
#> end_theta ~ 1 + (1 | gr(ID, by = age_group))
#> R ~ 1 + (1 | gr(ID, by = age_group))

This formula implements an exponential reduction in thetat from a start_theta at ss_num = 0 towards the lower asymptote end_theta that will be reached with the slope R. In addition, the group level effects have been grouped by age_group so that the variation in the Intercept would be estimated separately for different levels of the age_group variable. This formula just serves as an example how bmmformula syntax allows to use the complex formula syntax implemented in brms and passes the information on to brms without losing any of the functionality.

2 Seperating response variables from model parameters

As the response is not provided to the bmmformula, in bmm the response variables, and also other variables relevant for a bmmodel, are linked to the model when setting up the bmmodel object. For example, when fitting the mixture3p model, you have to provide the names of the variables that reflect the response error (e.g., y), the location of the non-target features (e.g. nt_col1, …, nt_col4), and the set-size (e.g., ss) in our data:

my_model <- mixture3p(resp_error = "y", 
                      nt_features = paste0("nt_col",1:4), 
                      set_size = "ss")

Internally, bmm will then link the response variables to the bmmformula given for the parameters of a bmmodel.

3 Fixing parameters to constant values

In some cases it can be reasonable to fix parameters to a specific value. This can either be done via the bmmformula or via a constant prior specified for the parameter to be fixed. Here we will only outline fixing parameters via the bmmformula.

To fix a parameter via the bmmformula you have to set the parameter to the value it should be fixed to by using = instead of ~. For example, the following formula would fix kappa to the value 1.

fixed_formula <- bmf(kappa = 1)

When fixing a parameter to a constant value, you need to keep in mind that the value you fix it to, is the value on the parameter scale. Oftentimes, bmm uses link functions to convert parameters from a bounded native scale (e.g. only positive values for precision parameters, such as kappa) to an unbounded parameter scale. In the case of kappa, bmm uses a log link function. Thus, when fixing the parameter to 1, this will effectively fix the parameter to \(e^1\) on the native scale.

4 Estimating & prediciting parameters internally fixed by bmm

bmm fixes some parameters internally, as they are usually not an integral part of a measurement model, or need to be fixed to properly identify the model. For example in models for continuous reproduction visual working memory tasks, the distribution of target responses is usually assumed to be centered around the target. Consequently, the mean of this distribution mu is internally fixed to 0. Such parameters are listed in the model object. So, you can see if a model has such parameters by accessing my_model$fixed_parameters.

my_model <- sdm(resp_error = "error")
#> $mu
#> [1] 0

Fixed parameters that can be freely estimated are also listed in the parameters of a model, that you can access using my_model$parameters. Parameters that are only listed in the fixed_parameters but not part of the parameters need to be fixed for identification purposes and thus cannot be estimated freely. For example in the mixture models for visual working memory, the location mu2 and precision kappa2 of the guessing distributions needs to be fixed for model identification. These parameters are listed in the fixed_parameters but not in the parameters and therefore cannot be estimated. Only, the internally fixed location of the target responses mu1 can be estimated freely if needed.

my_model <- mixture2p(resp_error = "error")
#> [1] "mu1"    "mu2"    "kappa2"

#> [1] "mu1"    "kappa"  "thetat"

If you want to freely estimate an internally fixed parameters, then you can freely estimate this parameter by providing a bmmformula for it. In the case of the above mentioned visual working memory models, you could for example be interested in seeing if subjects were biased (e.g., by distractors). If you want to estimate the overall bias in your data including variations between subjects indicated by ID, then you would additionally specify a bmmformula for mu in addition to the other formulas for the core mode parameters:

my_model <- mixture2p(resp_error = "error")
my_formula <- bmf(
  mu1 ~ 1 + (1 | ID),
  thetat ~ 0 + set_size + (0 + set_size | ID),
  kappa ~ 0 + set_size + (0 + set_size | ID)

5 Accessing the brmsformula generated by bmm

Let’s assume you have fit a mixture2p model to a data set my_data as described in the the mixture models article. For this, you had to specify a bmmformula and model object:

user_formula <- bmf(
  thetat ~ 0 + set_size + (0 + set_size | id),
  kappa ~ 0 + set_size + (0 + set_size | id)

my_model <- mixture2p(resp_error = "error")

bmmfit <- bmm(
  formula = user_formula,
  data = my_data,
  model = my_model,
  file = "assets/bmmfit_mixture2p_vignette"

If you were now interested to see how the bmmformula that you passed to bmm is converted to a brmsformula, you can access the brmsformula via the bmmfit object that will be returned by the bmm() function:

#> error ~ 1 
#> mu1 ~ 1
#> kappa ~ 0 + set_size + (0 + set_size || id)
#> thetat ~ 0 + set_size + (0 + set_size || id)
#> kappa2 ~ 1
#> mu2 ~ 1
#> kappa1 ~ kappa
#> theta1 ~ thetat

Similarly, you can access the distributional family that was used to implement the specified model, so bmmfit$family will return the family object that was generated by bmm and then passed to brms for fitting.

#> Mixture
#> Family: von_mises 
#> Link function: tan_half 
#> Family: von_mises 
#> Link function: tan_half

Finally, you can also access the data that was used by bmm to fit the model via bmmfit$data. In many cases this data will be equal to the data provided by the user. But sometimes bmm internally computes additional index variables for specifying the models adequately. The data stored in the bmmfit object contains these additional variables.

#>        error set_size id
#> 1 -0.0130000        1  1
#> 2 -0.0660000        1  1
#> 3  0.1891853        1  1
#> 4 -0.4500000        1  1
#> 5 -0.0210000        1  1
#> 6 -0.0740000        1  1

This way, should you be interested to customize models to fit them in brms without bmm, you are able to obtain the most important information that is essential for specifying the models implemented in bmm.

Fit objects from bmm use a custom summary function to format the output. However, you can call a brms summary instead of a bmm summary by setting the backend option in the summary function to brms. This way the summary function for brmsfit objects will be used instead of the function for bmmfit objects. The brmsfit summary also contains the brmsformula that is created by bmm.

summary(bmmfit, backend = "brms")
#> Warning: There were 1 divergent transitions after warmup. Increasing adapt_delta above 0.8 may help. See
#>  Family: mixture(von_mises, von_mises) 
#>   Links: mu1 = tan_half; kappa1 = log; mu2 = tan_half; kappa2 = log; theta1 = identity; theta2 = identity 
#> Formula: error ~ 1 
#>          mu1 ~ 1
#>          kappa ~ 0 + set_size + (0 + set_size || id)
#>          thetat ~ 0 + set_size + (0 + set_size || id)
#>          kappa2 ~ 1
#>          mu2 ~ 1
#>          kappa1 ~ kappa
#>          theta1 ~ thetat
#>    Data: dat_preprocessed (Number of observations: 7271) 
#>   Draws: 4 chains, each with iter = 2000; warmup = 1000; thin = 1;
#>          total post-warmup draws = 4000
#> Multilevel Hyperparameters:
#> ~id (Number of levels: 12) 
#>                      Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
#> sd(kappa_set_size1)      0.36      0.10     0.22     0.60 1.00     1267     2370
#> sd(kappa_set_size2)      0.21      0.08     0.08     0.39 1.00     1302     1020
#> sd(kappa_set_size4)      0.34      0.11     0.18     0.60 1.00     1924     2711
#> sd(kappa_set_size6)      0.43      0.15     0.21     0.79 1.00     1779     2444
#> sd(thetat_set_size1)     0.57      0.45     0.03     1.73 1.00     1265     1452
#> sd(thetat_set_size2)     0.93      0.29     0.51     1.64 1.00     1747     2568
#> sd(thetat_set_size4)     0.95      0.27     0.55     1.63 1.00     1412     2109
#> sd(thetat_set_size6)     0.67      0.20     0.39     1.15 1.00     1643     2310
#> Regression Coefficients:
#>                  Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
#> mu1_Intercept        0.00      0.00     0.00     0.00   NA       NA       NA
#> mu2_Intercept        0.00      0.00     0.00     0.00   NA       NA       NA
#> kappa2_Intercept  -100.00      0.00  -100.00  -100.00   NA       NA       NA
#> kappa_set_size1      2.89      0.12     2.66     3.12 1.00     1406     1716
#> kappa_set_size2      2.40      0.08     2.24     2.56 1.00     2632     2527
#> kappa_set_size4      2.08      0.12     1.84     2.32 1.00     2426     2690
#> kappa_set_size6      1.94      0.15     1.65     2.25 1.00     2517     2627
#> thetat_set_size1     4.53      0.40     3.89     5.43 1.00     2316     1088
#> thetat_set_size2     2.56      0.31     1.94     3.17 1.00     1658     1999
#> thetat_set_size4     1.08      0.29     0.50     1.67 1.00     1312     1735
#> thetat_set_size6     0.32      0.21    -0.08     0.75 1.00     1502     2120
#> Draws were sampled using sample(hmc). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
#> and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
#> scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

Compare this with the default summary method for bmmfit objects:

Warning: There were 1 divergent transitions after warmup. Increasing adapt_delta above 0.8 may help. See
  Model: mixture2p(resp_error = "error") 
  Links: mu1 = tan_half; kappa = log; thetat = identity 
Formula: mu1 = 0
         kappa ~ 0 + set_size + (0 + set_size || id)
         thetat ~ 0 + set_size + (0 + set_size || id) 
   Data: dat_preprocessed (Number of observations: 7271)
  Draws: 4 chains, each with iter = 2000; warmup = 1000; thin = 1;
         total post-warmup draws = 4000

Multilevel Hyperparameters:
~id (Number of levels: 12) 
                     Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
sd(kappa_set_size1)      0.36      0.10     0.22     0.60 1.00     1267     2370
sd(kappa_set_size2)      0.21      0.08     0.08     0.39 1.00     1302     1020
sd(kappa_set_size4)      0.34      0.11     0.18     0.60 1.00     1924     2711
sd(kappa_set_size6)      0.43      0.15     0.21     0.79 1.00     1779     2444
sd(thetat_set_size1)     0.57      0.45     0.03     1.73 1.00     1265     1452
sd(thetat_set_size2)     0.93      0.29     0.51     1.64 1.00     1747     2568
sd(thetat_set_size4)     0.95      0.27     0.55     1.63 1.00     1412     2109
sd(thetat_set_size6)     0.67      0.20     0.39     1.15 1.00     1643     2310

Regression Coefficients:
                 Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
kappa_set_size1      2.89      0.12     2.66     3.12 1.00     1406     1716
kappa_set_size2      2.40      0.08     2.24     2.56 1.00     2632     2527
kappa_set_size4      2.08      0.12     1.84     2.32 1.00     2426     2690
kappa_set_size6      1.94      0.15     1.65     2.25 1.00     2517     2627
thetat_set_size1     4.53      0.40     3.89     5.43 1.00     2316     1088
thetat_set_size2     2.56      0.31     1.94     3.17 1.00     1658     1999
thetat_set_size4     1.08      0.29     0.50     1.67 1.00     1312     1735
thetat_set_size6     0.32      0.21    -0.08     0.75 1.00     1502     2120

Constant Parameters:
mu1_Intercept      0.00

Draws were sampled using sample(hmc). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).